Baby Pig
Crypto that is different

Trans-fee mining
For every trade regardless whether it is a sale or purchase, the smart contract will return half of the transaction fees i.e. 4% to holders of the Baby Pig token automatically in proportion to their holdings. This is also know as "trans-fee mining".

NFT developments
Our team is inviting artists from all parts of the world to join us in creating art pieces and to interact with us in the NFT community. The use of BSC chain enables collectors to easily and cost-effectively trade in the NFT marketplace. Our team has a dedicated group of professional designers in the background that is brainstorming ideas centered on Baby Pig.

Self-burning mechanism
There is a total of 784 billion Baby pig tokens. With the self-burning mechanism, it is expected to reduce the total quantity to 550 billion tokens.

Sustainable growth
in liquidity
In every trading transaction, Baby Pig automatically adds half of the 8% transaction fees i.e. 4% to the liquidity pool, so as to create a self-sustaining growth in liquidity, to cater to stable market demands.

How to Find Pigs?

784,044,330,000 BabyPig MAX SUPPLY
Token ticker :
Token type :
BEP-20 (Binance Smart Chain)
Initial token supply :
Tokens burned :
Current circulating supply :
Liquidity lock :
At least one year
Minting :
